"Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) finalized a rule that will remove an estimated $49 billion in medical bills from the credit reports of about 15 million Americans. The CFPB’s action will ban the inclusion of medical bills on credit reports used by lenders and prohibit lenders from using medical information in their lending decisions."
Timothy Noah discusses how Medicare privatization may result in higher costs to consumers becoming sicker and more in debt. "The challenge with all privatization schemes is that the private sector doesn’t aspire to save the government money. Why should it? Sometimes the market can be induced to do so in spite of itself through virtuous corporate management or vigilant government oversight. But it’s uniquely foolish to expect the market not to maximize profit on a commodity that people need as desperately as health care" newrepublic.com/article/189804/privatizing-medicare-advantage-scam-claims-fraudulent |